What are the advantages of updating dollar bill changer with American Changer components?

The control boards and hoppers installed in American Changer bill changers are popular and have a significant amount of market share. Many service technicians have these on hand. When a replacement component is needed, the repair can be made quickly.

If your business has dollar bill changers made by multiple manufacturers, updating them with kits to American changer components may be beneficial. As a result, you will not need to have as many parts on hand. It also makes repairs easier for your technician as they will become accustomed to these common parts.

In some cases, the replacement parts for dollar bill changers are no longer available or very expensive. This kit is great for updating your existing dollar bill changer.

We offer kits to update older dollar bill changers to the current version of American Changer components for these brands:

- Rowe

- Standard Change-Makers

- American Changer with the legacy board – 5 red LEDs

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