American Changer Universal Board with Power Supply Option - 1 Validator 2 Hoppers

American Changer Universal Board with Power Supply Option - 1 Validator 2 Hoppers


This a new American Changer Universal board with power supply loaded with software that will interface with MDB validators.

No harnessing is included. It is offered separately.

If you want to purchase a complete kit to upgrade your American Changer bill changer, you can find it here.

  • $145.25
    • SKU
    • Weight
      2 lbs
  • Product Options
    Option 1 - Flat rate labor and parts for failure due to normal use (You will be sending your unit for repair to the address shown at the top of your invoice) - The normal turnaround time is 5 business days.
    Option 2 - New Board with Capital Vending Power Supply with Display
    Option 3 - New Board American Changer version with switching Power Supply under Board

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