American Changer Green Stripe Hopper - Legacy Models
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American Changer Green Stripe Hopper - Legacy Models

When ordering refurbished hoppers, pay attention to the connector because both male and female versions are available.

Hopper has both CC Talk and Parallel interface.

For recommended replacement, click HERE.

  • $155.25
Weight : 8 lbs
    • Weight
      9 lbs
    • SKU
  • Product Options
    Option 1 - Flat rate labor and parts for failure due to normal use (You will be sending your unit for repair to the address shown at the top of your invoice) - The normal turnaround time is 7-10 business days., Option 2 - Refurbished Front Load Green Stripe Hopper - 12 Pin male, Option 3 - Refurbished Rear Load Green Stripe Hopper - 12 Pin Male, Option 4 - Refurbished Front Load Green Stripe Hopper - Female 12 Pin, Option 5 - Refurbished Rear Load Green Stripe Hopper - Female 12 Pin
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