American Changer Recycler Upgrade Kit for a Model AC1000 or AC1001

American Changer Recycler Upgrade Kit for a Model AC1000 or AC1001


This upgrade kit is a full replacement for an American Changer AC1000 or 1001 (Front load).

This kit includes the following items:

  • 1 Mars/MEI Validator with a Recycler, a 500 Note Bill Box, and a Standard Mask 
  • 1 New Green Stripe Front Load Hopper or 1 Refurbished Yellow Stripe Hopper
  • 1 New Universal Control Board
  • Programming instructions
  • $1424.96
    • SKU
    • Weight
      15 lbs
  • Product Options
    Option 1 - Mars/MEI Validator and Recycler with New AC Green Stripe Hopper
    Option 2 - Mars/MEI Validator and Recycler with Refurbished Yellow Stripe Hopper
    Option 3 - Refurbished Mars/MEI 2700 Validator with Custom Mask for AC1000

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