Can I let my components sit idle?

It is critical to have back up components for your business such as hoppers, boards, bill acceptors, and coin changers. These spares must be stored in a climate-controlled area but should not sit idle. Due to the climate and movement, do not store your components in a vehicle.

Anytime a component is received it should be fully tested, even it is a spare. This confirms that the unit works as required. 

Spare transports and bill acceptors should be rotated in for use at least once every three months. Hoppers for American Changer should be rotated in for use at least once every six months. Coin changers should also be rotated in for use at least once every six months.

Many components utilize a battery to retain memory. If you are storing any components with batteries for an extended period of time, you should consider removing the batteries. If the batteries leak, the component may be damaged. The owner’s manual for the device will provide information on the battery.

If you have let a previously known working part sit idle, the owner’s manual may be helpful for resolving the issue. In many cases, a part will be stuck or the device many just need to be reprogrammed.

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