Mars/MEI AE2412 24VAC Validator

Mars/MEI AE2412 24VAC Validator


This validator offers 4-way acceptance of $1 - $5 bills. It has been updated for the 2008 $5. The mask type is #1 compact. The voltage is 24VAC.

If you select a product that is labor related, you are sending in your component to Capital Vending for repair. The price for labor is generally 50% less than purchasing a refurbished item outright.

The typical turn-around time for units shipped in for repairs or updates is 5-10 business days.

We often receive these from car wash operators and they have been damaged by water. If your unit has been damaged by water, we will not be able to repair it as the value of components that are typically ruined is more than buying a refurbished unit. Inspect the units before sending in, if there is a possibility of water damage at your location.

  • $105.25
    • SKU
    • Weight
      5 lbs
  • Product Options
    Option 1 - Flat rate labor and parts for failure due to normal use (You will be sending your unit for repair to the address shown at the top of your invoice)
    Option 2 - Refurbished Purchase (90-day warranty)
    Option 3 - Recommended Replacement - New

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